RTX 3090 Tests

Finally we got our hands on a pair of 2nd generation Nvidia RTX 3090 GPUs. First feeling? Those GPUs are BEASTS. Size – enourmous, performance – mind blowing, energy consumption – yes this beast is power hungry. For our tests we used MSI Ventus RTX 3090 24GB GPUs. First tests with Otoy’s Octane Benchmark showed […]

Now Green Energy only!

Ultra Render now achieved its goal to use 100% green energy for all our needs starting 2022. To confirm this our only energy provider Axpo Poland Ltd. issued us a following Certificate: " This certificate for Ultra Render Ltd. guarantees that 100% of used energy comes from renewable energy sources and confirms joining the programm [...]

GPU Cloud Workstations

Nvidia RTX remote workstations. Recent months brought to our world an urgent need of working remotely. Graphic designers and 3D artists need the possibility to access necessary rendering and computing power from their homes. High performance computing for AI, machinelearning or analytics are yet another cases where Ultra Render can provide remote servers’ solutions. With […]

Blockchain Servers & Mining Rigs

At Ultra Render we have a proven track record of providing high performance GPU systems. Reliability and efficiency per USD and per Watt are highest priority factors when building mining rigs. We know that when you grow scalability is the next need. We can provide GPU solutions from single remote server to hundreds of rigs. […]

What GPU server’s configuration is best for your project

When you need additional render power to finish your project on time UltraRender is here to help. As you know we offer different pre configured servers for remote rental but also can prepare custom units. When the budget is tight you need to be sure what is needed and what is only an extra. Below […]

RTX 2080Tix8 ob

8x RTX 2080Ti OctaneBench 4 results

We were testing our currently fastest 8x Nvidia RTX 2080Ti unit with Otoy’s Octane benchmark tool lately. Results are quite satisfying. Server scored 2416,49. That is almost 44% increase in performance compared to previous generation 8x GTX 1080Ti server. No further comment necessary!

8x RTX 2070 server’s OctaneBench

UltraRender’s 8x Nvidia RTX 2070 units performormance is (as expected) quite similar to 8x GTX 1080Ti. Our RTX server with eight 2070 GPUs onboard scored 1622,77 in OctaneBench 4. Where 8x GTX 1080Ti servers’ score is around 1680. Still GTX 1080Ti’s are equipped with 11GB vRAM versus RTX 2070’s 8GB.

GPU servers’ rental – HOW TO

HOW TO – GPU servers’ rental 1. Booking servers 2. Accessing the remote machine   3. Workflow & File Transfer 4. Finishing your rental   1. Booking a machine   Send us an e-mail with some basic informtion stated below so we can start the GPU servers’ booking process. what configuration of remote machine are you […]

Renderfarm – how to

GPU Render Farm 1. Job costs and delivery time estimation Please write us basic informtaion about your project how many frames you need to render what is the average render time per frame using your GPU/GPUs what GPU/GPUs were used for the above estimates what 3D application and renderer it used for the project what […]