Octane benchmark 8x GTX 1080Ti
Our fastest system scores 1327 in Octane bench. Using UltraRender 8x GTX 1080Ti GPUs server can give quite spectacular render boost to your farm.
Our fastest system scores 1327 in Octane bench. Using UltraRender 8x GTX 1080Ti GPUs server can give quite spectacular render boost to your farm.
Ultra Render’s basic GPU server setup is 8x GTX 1070 in one box. The system performs quite well giving the best price to performance ratio. Octane bench score is 870. Additional advantage over previous GPU generation (Maxwell GTX 970) is that 1070 cards have 8GB vRAM
To be honest we were quite anxious when we first run the Octane bench score last year while testing the setup. Will it be a top 10 Octane bench score? Having in mind that we work on a 10 and 12 GPUs setup it was important that the 7 GPUs configuration is very efficent. We […]
Before we started this test we wondered if Octane will prove its almost perfect scalability with a system using more than 4 GPUs. And it did! As a reminder Octanebench with 4 GTX 970 gpus was 332,17. Now we used the same system software configuration. A GPU server with 7 exactly the same GPUs working […]
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