Octane benchmark 8x GTX 1080Ti
Our fastest system scores 1327 in Octane bench. Using UltraRender 8x GTX 1080Ti GPUs server can give quite spectacular render boost to your farm.
Our fastest system scores 1327 in Octane bench. Using UltraRender 8x GTX 1080Ti GPUs server can give quite spectacular render boost to your farm.
To be honest we were quite anxious when we first run the Octane bench score last year while testing the setup. Will it be a top 10 Octane bench score? Having in mind that we work on a 10 and 12 GPUs setup it was important that the 7 GPUs configuration is very efficent. We […]
Following our recent tests on a machine with 4x nvidia maxwell series GPUs we tested Arion renderer with 3 more cards plugged in. Our machine run Windows 7 x64. To test the rendering speed and scalability of Arion we used ArionBench downloaded from rendomcontrol.com Running the benchmark test on 7x 970 GPUs gave a result […]
To test the system we used blender 2.75 x64 release. The cycels renderer utilized all four gpus. Both scenes downloaded from blenderartists.org The updated file rendered in 00:37,38 sec. The older version of benchmark file BMW1M rendered in 18 seconds. Cycles with blender shows significant performance increase on newer series of top nVidia GPUs (series 9xx, […]
Here are few benchmarks of our GTX 4x 970 server performance. This time we used Iray with 3ds Max 2016 and a scene from CGTalk Forum. The scene can also be found on this 3d blog or here – iray 3ds max benchmark scene Our machine is 4x GTX 970 GPUs, 2x Intel Xeon CPUs (24 threads), Win 7 x64 […]
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